contents 07 14 24 SOSLAND PUBLISHING years 39 42 45 FEATURES 14 THE SHIFT IS ON As Sosland Publishing celebrates a century of success, the retail bakery sector thrives through innovation and a stellar dedication to customer service and demand. DEPARTMENTS 06 Management 07 Technical Corner 08 Practical Marketing 10 Equipment Innovations 38 Chocolate & Decorating 39 Cakes 04 < MAR-APR 2022 | 40 Breads 42 Sweet Goods 45 Foodservice 58 Formula of the Month 24 TECHNOLOGY ANSWERS THE CALL With a serious labor shortage gripping the industry, bakery equipment and new technologies are more important than ever. 32 SHOWTIME IN PACZKI CITY Chicago bakeries share valuable tips and trends from their experiences getting ready for Fat Tuesday, which fuels a bonanza of bakery sales for creative specialty items like paczki. COVER BREAD ALONE / SHORTENING SOLUTIONS / DECADENT COOKIES William Leaman's Bakery Nouveau has become a Seattle icon, and " we are going to take it to the next level as far as product and variations go, " Leaman says. Bakery Nouveau offers a shining example of innovation as retail bakeries embrace their bright futures. Photo by Clare Barboza the voice of bakery and pastry 47 CAKENOMICS According to experts, 2022 is set to host the most weddings in recent history, 2.6 million. Couples and wedding professionals continue to move forward with celebrations. Cakenomics The Great the shift is on Wedding Rush Cake decorators prepare for the dash of 2022 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS Innovation fuels retail bakery future TECHNOLOGY ANSWERS CALL Labor shortage brings online response SHOWTIME IN PACZKI CITY Chicago bakeries revive Fat Tuesday SOSLAND PUBLISHING years MAR/APR 2022 bakemag.com