A BIGGER EVENT, A BETTER WAY TO PERFECT YOUR CRAFT IBIE 2019 is custom-made for artisan and retail bakers, with expanded offerings that feed your passion and creativity in a growing market. The event is a marketplace of healthy ingredients, innovative products, curated competitions, staged demonstrations from celebrity chefs and Certified Master Bakers and much more. IBIE delivers a bigger opportunity to master your craft and a broader selection of options to produce high-quality, high-flavor goods that your customers love. EDUCATION: SEPT. 7-11, 2019 | EXPO HALL: SEPT. 8-11, 2019 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER SAVE UP TO 40% REGISTER BY MARCH 8TH: WWW.IBIE2019.COM/ARTISAN Supported by:http://WWW.IBIE2019.COM/ARTISAN