S U C C E S S S T O R I E S HOW A VE MAG CH E ESE EXTR U DE R inspired a B E T T E R PIZZA DOUGH DIVIDER A T RU E S T O RY: A few years ago, Reiser installed multiple Vemags - each with a multi-outlet cheese extruder - into a customer's plant. The systems extruded cheese onto makeup lines to produce cheese-filled dough products. After seeing the speed and portioning accuracy of the Vemag cheese extruder, the customer was inspired to ask if a similar Vemag could be used to successfully divide pizza dough. Reiser specialists and engineers worked with the customer to develop a solution. The result was a new pizza dough dividing process featuring the Vemag. The Vemag Dough Divider was able to produce exact-weight portions while meeting their high output requirements. The savings were so great that the customer converted all of their lines worldwide to Vemag pizza dough dividers. A VEMAG DOUGH DIVIDER CAN PAY FOR ITSELF IN JUST A FEW MONTHS. www.reiser.com Reiser Canton, MA * (781) 821-1290 Reiser Canada Burlington, ON * (905) 631-6611 2018http://www.reiser.com