FEATURED RECIPES Prepare the jalapeño cream cheese filling by mixing 8 ounces of canned jalapeños with 4¼ LB BakeSense Cream Cheese. BOLLILOS WITH CREAM CHEESE AND JALAPENO BAKEMARK PRODUCTS USED * #31632 Trigal Dorado Bolillo Mix 50 LB * #35179 Trigal Dorado Fresh Yeast 25/1LB * #50819 BakeSense Cream Cheese 30 LB Mix Mix the dough following the directions provided on each bag of Trigal Dorado Bolillo Mix for a small batch. Divide dough into 4-ounce pieces. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Make up Once the dough pieces have sufficiently rested, flatten them into approximately 4-inch squares. Place 1.5 ounce of jalapeño cream cheese filling (see recipe above) in the center of each square. Fold the top of the dough over the filling and shape into a bolillo. Place on a paper lined or greased baking tray and wash with egg wash. Proof and bake Proof at 100°F/80% for approximately 45 minutes. Remove from proofer and give the bolillos 5 minutes floor time. Make 3 diagonal cuts across the top of each bolillo, deep enough to show the cream cheese. Bake at 400°F in a convection oven for 12-15 minutes with 15 seconds steam until the bolillos have a light golden brown color. GUAYABAS BAKEMARK PRODUCTS USED * #31633 Trigal Dorado Guayaba de Mantiquilla Mix 50 LB * #41293 Trigal Dorado Rainbow Non Pareils 8 LB * #74707 C'est Vivant Semisweet Chocolate Chips 30 LB * #08779 Westco Flake Sweet Coconut 10 LB Mx Mix some Trigal Dorado Guayaba de Mantequilla Mix according to the directions on the bag for a small batch. 50 JUNE 18 | PANADERIA Make up Scale and drop 4 oz. balls of Guayaba dough onto a paper lined baking pan by hand or using a gray #8 ice cream scoop. Brush the guayabas with egg wash. Sprinkle them liberally with Trigal Dorado Rainbow Non Pareils, Westco Flake Sweet Coconut, C'est Vivant Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips or any nuts of your choice. Bake Bake for 20-22 minutes at 340-365°F depending on your oven type.