"We spend our life discovering innovation," Gumpel said of his job at Panera. "Our competition is whoever has lunch options within 2 miles of your location, and often they are craft players." For this reason, Panera has paved the way for the bakery café sector to soar to new heights. "My friend Danny Coudreaut (executive chef) at McDonald's says you can have a thousand ideas and maybe one gets to the store," Gumpel said. "The first step is determine what job you need to do and confirm who you are doing it for. Determine what matters to success and develop a multi-development ©GENNADY KURINOV - STOCK.ADOBE.COM vision of solutions." Achieve Perfection Our quality equipment can meet your bakery needs. Dough Mixers: Magna Mixer has designed a standard line of equipment to give customers complete mixing control over a wide range of products with superior performance. The design allows for product weights up to 4,000lbs and single or double arm mixers. Cookie Depositors: Magna Mixer Depositors are designed to produce dozens of your product accurately and efficiently. Custom Design Equipment: Magna Mixer has the capability to design and manufacture custom equipment to meet your production demands. Whether you need a a cookie depositor or a horizontal mixer, we have a solution to fit your needs! Now under new ownership wo man-owned 52 < JUL 2017 | bakemag.com Magna Mixer Baking Solutions serving your needs since 1904 11180 Southland Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45240 * Tel 513.489.8044 * Fax 513.851.6904 * MagnaMixer.comhttp://STOCK.ADOBE.COM http://www.MagnaMixer.com