According to the US Department of Labor, tens of thousands of small business owners each year take advantage of the government's Occupational Safety and Health Administration's On-site Consultation Program to make their workplaces safer and healthier at no cost to the business. The federally funded program connects private companies with their state government to support small businesses and ensure their workers are safe on the job. Participating employers have access to expert safety and health advice that can ultimately help them increase productivity and reduce losses due to injuries and workers compensation costs. On-site consultation services are separate from enforcement and do not result in penalties. With funding from OSHA, consultants from state agencies and/or universities work with employers to identify hazards and provide advice on compliance. 9HUVDWLOLW\ 'XUDELOLW\ 'HSHQGDELOLW\ Baxter ovens are built in Orting, WA using technology so precise, it's often patented. The result? Reliable equipment with labor & energy-saving features built in and a 10-YEAR warranty on the gas heat exchanger. Because, like you, we understand the importance of delivering consistently great product. Learn more about how we can help you make great food at 29*DV PRGHOVRQO\