Flour is known for its famous sticky buns, in addition to its other delicious pastries and savory sandwiches. The new location continues those traditions, while offering a vibrant yet cozy dining environment. "I get the majority of my job satisfaction in working with my managers to guide them to be better leaders. It is my responsibility to give them the tools they need to be great at their jobs and learning and growing constantly," Chang says. Impressively, as an honors graduate of Harvard College with a degree in applied mathematics and economics, Chang left behind a lucrative high-paying career as a management consultant to become a culinary professional. Her beginnings in the restaurant world were humble. She started as garde-manger cook at Boston's renowned Biba restaurant. Her first baking job was as a pastry cook at Bentonwood Bakery in Newton, Massachusetts. She had been a line cook at Biba in Boston for a year and was eager to try her hand in 32 < JUN 2017 | bakemag.comhttp://www.inlineplastics.com http://www.bakemag.com