formulation of the month Dirt Cake RESTAURANT AUGUST Executive pastry chef Patricia Morton of 1 cup heavy cream cubed butter and with your hands work Restaurant August in New Orleans shares 3 tablespoons corn syrup the butter into the dried to form wet this fun recipe for "Dirt Cake" that re- ¼ teaspoon salt sand/crumbs. Or you can mix together minds her of childhood birthday parties. 1 cup cold heavy cream with the paddle attachment on a stand mixer. Line a cookie tray with parch- Chop both chocolates and have in a bowl ment paper and spread out the crumbs. 1quart cream with the salt. Combine 1 cup of cream Bake at 350 F for 10 minutes stirring 1/3 cup cocoa nibs (toasted) with the corn syrup in a pot and bring to the crumbs around at 5 minutes and 1/3 cup sugar a simmer. Pour the hot cream over the once you take them out of the oven. ¼ teaspoon salt chocolates and stir until combined. Set aside until cool, then keep in an 0.25 ounce powdered gelatin (1 packet) Pour ganache into a blender and while airtight container. ¼ cup cold water blending stream in the other 1 cup of Cocoa Nib Pana Cotta (yield 6 portions) cold cream, stop once all is added. Coconut Sorbet (yield 2 quarts ice sorbet) Toast the cocoa nibs and them to the Store covered in the refrigerator over- 1 can (14 ounces) coconut milk cream, salt and sugar in a pot. Bring to a night to set up. 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons corn syrup simmer then turn off and allow to infuse for 20 minutes. Meanwhile sprinkle the Black Cocoa Crumbs (yield 1 quart) 1 2/3 cups water powdered gelatin over the cold water 1 cup sugar and set to the side. Reheat the cream and 8 ounces cold butter Bring sugar, corn syrup and water to a boil. whisk in the gelatin mixture, bring to a ½ cup cocoa powder Remove from heat and add coconut milk. boil and turn off. Strain the panna cotta to ¾ cup black cocoa powder* Allow to completely cool before spinning remove the small cocoa nibs and discard. 2 cups all purpose flour the sorbet. Carefully portion ½ cup to 1 cup into rame- ½ teaspoon salt kins or jars. Place the cups in the refrig- * If you can't find black cocoa, substi- ASSEMBLY erator and allow to set up overnight. tute for regular. Using pint size Mason jars for 6 individual servings.Once the panna cotta is set you Cut the butter into small cubes and can top it with the ganache and crumbs. 1 cup milk chocolate keep cold. Sift flour, cocoa powder and Before serving add the coconut sorbet ¾ cup dark chocolate sugar together in a bowl. Add cold and Voila! Milk Chocolate Ganache (yield 1quart) 50 < MAY 2017 | bakemag.com