T AD TR DIT ITIONAL PRODUC UCTS T READY-TO-USE FILLINGS CRUNCH TOPPINGS N T MEATS + NUT FLOURS NU S Take for example, Termini Bros. Bakery, a neighborhood treasure in South Philadelphia. Established in 1921 by Giuseppe & Gaetano, handed down to Vincent Sr., and now in its third generation with Joseph and Vincent Jr. at the helm. The Termini family tradition of exciting their customers with the finest quality products has brought them tremendous success. And as the bakery passed from one proud generation to the next, another tradition was passed along as well - their trust in quality ingredients from American Almond® Products. V americanalmond.com/lookbook to download your copy filled with Visit ddozens of ideas that can impact your business and profit. FFor product, call your distributor today or 800.8ALMOND BEHIND EVERY GREAT BAKER TM CELEBRATING 91 YEARS PREMIUM NUT PASTES For 90 years, American Almond® Products Company has created premium quality nut pastes, nut butters, nut flours and a wide range of unique ingredients for successful bakers everywhere. A timehonored tradition of quality and service - then and now. It's easy to see why nothing stands the test of time quite like American Almond® Products. PREMIUM NUT BUTTERS noThing stanDs thE tesT of Time Better.http://www.americanalmond.com/lookbook